A masterpiece compared to most William Grefé pictures.
3 February 2021
William Grefé is among the very worst directors of the 60s-70s, with such crap as "Death Curse of Tartu", "Sting of Death", "Impulse" and "Stanley" among his many achievements in film making. Most of these were filmed near his home in Florida...around the Everglades, Miami and Jupiter. And, they were done CHEAPLY...very, very cheaply. Al Adamson, Ray Dennis Steckler and Ed Wood all are about as good...or infamous...as Grefé.

Of all the films he made, "The Wild Rebels" is probably the best...which isn't saying much since I giver it a 3. It's not good...but compared to the rest of his films, it' practically an art film!

Rod is a race car driver who is frankly tired of one too many accidents, so he's decided to quit. Shortly after this, he's approached by the leader of a biker gang, as they want to hire Rod to be their getaway driver in a series of robberies. He naturally refuses but is convinced later by the police to return to them and accept their offer.

The problem with so much of the film is that it doesn't seem to know where it's going. This is especially true as Rod supposedly works for the police...though there's no coordination or plan. And, because of that, he nearly gets killed during the course of a bank robbery and getaway. Additionally, the acting and dialog seem pretty amateurish. But on the plus side, it's really not boring and occasionally it even manages to be more or less competent. Not a glowing endorsement, but for the director, this is high praise indeed.

By the way, if you do watch this film, note that the police must all be legally blind and stupid. See the last 10 minutes of the movie and you'll see what I mean!
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