perfect example of fake news posing as a documentary
5 February 2021
So one thing that struck me last year is how much the media piled on the wh and then in keeping with that, there were all these articles on the web about how much money biden was raising vs mr t right before the election so when I saw this title I thought that can't be. So if 2016 was bought does that mean that the dems bought 2020? How could they do that, dems are poor right. So I google "biden vs trump expenditure" and the first art (from npr) says trump raised 300 million more. Ok, lot of money to me but overall % not that much. But then I start reading the other articles (including left leaning rags) and there's a lot of controversy and a lot of articles just weeks before the election that biden was way ahead of t raising money and t was mismanaging all his money and so on and so on. So which is it? The media has made everything the gop and wh done in the past 4 years look like one series of lies, including making it look like the democrats won by a landslide and it turns out they're just as much liars as anyone. Is there money in politics, sure, but no amount of money can battle the 4th estate with an agenda and that's why nothing will change because there is money to be made creating documentaries like this. And without something to write about, bloggers and fake journalists would have to get real jobs.
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