Bridge and Tunnel (2021–2022)
Geez, Ed!
5 February 2021
I watched Bridge and Tunnel blind-only knew it was an Ed Burns project-and initially thought the characters had just graduated high school, not college.

After two episodes, I wonder: is their collective, extreme arrested development supposed to be the only (charming?) point? Because their JV mentality and acting makes every thin-on-the-ground 'serious' discussion feel like it drifted in from another show.

How someone with Ed Burns' experience and success could go so far over the line between adult-adjacent and shrill kids is honestly puzzling. The tone is just off; even the nostalgia flows crooked. Burns errs w/the '80s slang and period details.

At least Ed Burns as wise, cursing father is a rewarding, if brief, presence. Besides his son/protagonist Jimmy, the strongest character by far is the music.
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