Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
Gave it til 2021
6 February 2021
Been watching since from the beginning. At first I was mortified at what they did to the show and characters. Then again, I guess it's its own show and a different time but it doesn't sit well for this fan of the original. No rules, right? I have a definite "get off my lawn" take on this reboot but I'll pass on much of the negative. The show seems soulless with little charm of the old. The production of the show is awful. It suffers from today's TV-itis. It utilizes unsteady swirling cameras with fast cuts and close-ups that often leave you wondering what's happening. For the last several years I've noticed CBS loves to crank the volume of action up so loud that I'm constantly having to monitor the volume with the remote control for the sake of me and my neighbors. What might be my biggest gripe of all is that the background music plays all the way through the show - no let up! It ruins it for me and now I'm at the point where I can't ignore it! It's almost as if they think you need the music to do your thinking for you.

There are two things that I do like about the show - Hawaii and Detective Katsumoto, who underplays the role wonderfully and I think he should have his own show.
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