Gave it a shot
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know exactly how much work, time, money, and effort goes into making a film. Being an experienced filmmaker myself, I'm sad to say that when it comes to new filmmakers you can't always please everyone, but honest reviews and criticism should be read. It has helped me make my films better, it's how we learn what works and what we can do better next time.

As for the story, the dialogue and writing was very mediocre. I was not convinced at all that the parents even cared about their daughter. I didn't feel any emotion, there were no tears, just frustration and the "need to search" I feel like they didn't take it seriously. I felt all the actors could've brought out their characters more instead of just simply trying to "memorize" their lines.

Remember, the audience has to connect instantly with the characters and care about these characters in their situations. The audience needs to relate with what is being told in the story. They put themselves in the same situations with what the character is going through, what they are thinking, what they are doing, and how are they going to get out of these problems.

The cinematography was alright, some shots were okay but were not consistent. Some areas could've been lighted more. I don't know how you were able to convince Dean Cain to be in this, but hopefully he was able to help spark some interest in this film. This film was good, my first feature film was tricky to master, but I learned to take constructive criticism on what I needed to do better.

The ending didn't have a resolution, except that the girl was finally back with her family, which was good, but the spotter was never caught or reprehended. Best of luck to your next film!
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