Resurrection (1980)
Two Oscar nominations for that? Really?
8 February 2021
After watching this movie but mostly after reading the reviews I have to say I'm very surprised the high ratings Resurrection gets. Surprised yes, because it's a mediocre boring movie, and surprised no, because there are so many religious idiots that will probably see something beautiful in this kind of crap. What surprised me the most though is that this movie got nominated for two Oscars. I guess the standards for the Oscars were not that high in 1980. Ellen Burstyn was nominated for the Best Actress In A Leading Role, and I can only take this as a joke. I thought her acting wasn't believable at all, in some scenes she even acted below average. As for the story, well it's easy to write about that. It's repetitive, all you see is dumb scenes of so called healing by touching, yes the same kind of idiotic beliefs that make dumb people gather in tents somewhere in the middle of nowhere where education isn't a priority. That's what the whole movie is about, in other words the ultimate borefest. I score it a three because I feel generous.
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