Packs a low rent punch
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
ULTRACOP 2000 is one of many low budget action flicks that actor and director Phillip Ko made in the Philippines during the 1990s. He brings along his wife Yukari Oshima for the ride in this one and the result is typically low rent and muddled, although not without merit. It's certainly an action packed adventure and it has some amusing moments mixed in with the near-constant action. On the one hand you get cops battling drug lord Melvin Wong, but then there's a whole other plot about two aliens who show up to battle on Earth in a sub-plot very much borrowed from THE ICEMAN COMETH. Expect lots of cheesy FX here, but they're oddly fun with it. It doesn't make much sense but it packs the usual punch you expect from '90s-era Hong Kong action cinema.
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