Love In Detroit
11 February 2021
John Halliday is smitten by Dorothy Burgess. He explains to his wife, Belle Bennett that she cares for him so deeply that it will be a major operation to let her down. He proposes to send Miss Bennett and their son, Junior Durkin to Paris for five weeks while he does so. She agrees and announces that she will be getting a divorce while there.

This being set in Detroit rather than Manhattan, Halliday is shocked. He's shocked by everything that doesn't go his way. He's supposed to be a figure of fun, but alas, this sort of double standard doesn't play as funny anymore, even if the women involved know exactly what is going on at all times, and his pompous bloviation is all a pose.

It's directed by John Adolfi, a competent director of minor features.... by this point. The next year, he would become George Arliss' director of choice, and Adolfi would direct nine more films, eight of them with Arliss. Apparently had complete control of script, casting and rehearsals, apparently leaving Adolfi to supervise the technical issues of moviemaking. It was very successful, and continued through Adolfi's death in 1933.
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