Baby Sister (1983 TV Movie)
Sometimes things just work out this way.
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This better than expected TV movie stars a young Phoebe Cates as a college dropout who shows up in Los Angeles to live with sister Pamela Bellwood, a high class art gallery owner engaged to the handsome doctor Ted Wass. With Bellwood constantly busy with art show openings, Wass gets to know his future sister-in-law a bit better, and they end up falling in love. nobody's the bad guy here. In fact, they are all really nice, just in a situation that nobody expected to happen.

Well actually there is one bad guy, sort of, and that's Bellwood and Cates' domineering father, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., who holds a resentment towards Cates for the accidental death of his first wife and their mother years ago. When Cates makes a drawing for her father for his birthday, he basically dismisses it, something his current lady friend Virginia Kiser points out as sad.

This isn't any different than what you would see on the daytime or night time soaps of the time, and in fact, it's a bit more realistic in the way that it is played out. It certainly more realistic than the stuff Bellwood had to put up with for her character of Claudia on "Dynasty". The chemistry between Wass and Cates starts off like an older brother and younger sister, but after he hires her to work in his clinic, they begin to get closer.

When she goes with him to see a young patient who has had a drug overdose, the sun has set on what he felt for Bellwood and has risen for young Phoebe. A nice love theme for them it's the story in its progression, and it's obvious that there is guilt on how they will be forced to eventually hurt Bellwood. Not earth shaking in anyway, but a reminder of the type of great women's stories that Hollywood used to make, old fashioned in many ways but in other ways timeless.
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