What did I just watch?
12 February 2021
Possibly the worst film I've ever seen, I say possibly as there must be worse I just can't think of one right now. Let's start with the positive yep it's only one. Marc Bannerman was excellent, and considering I've seen more of this man incidentally on the street than on any screens in the last ten years I was surprised. Believable, didn't over do the tough guy routine a genuinely solid and enjoyable performance. As for the rest, awful seriously absolutely awful. Wooden acting, ludicrous wardrobe decisions, even the sets made no sense. What police officer carries out interviews with a pen pot in reach of possibly dangerous suspects? The dialogue was bordering on comical, the "story" about as engaging as watching ice melt if it wasn't for Bannerman occasionally popping in with some talent I wouldn't have got through it. Save some time watch adverts you'll get more out of it
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