Killed while on the air.
12 February 2021
In "Take the Stand", Jack LaRue plays George Gaylord, a radio host whose muckraking show is very popular. But to get these ratings, he discloses all sorts of peccadilloes on his program...much like the real life muckraker, Walter Winchell. In fact, I am pretty certain that Gaylord was modeled after Winchell....and MANY rich and famous people would have loved him dead.

During one of his shows, Gaylord is locked in a sound-proof booth. Outside is a room full of people who hate him and are waiting to give him a piece of their minds. But the confrontation outside the booth never occurs, as someone apparently broke in and killed Gaylord during his broadcast. The problem is that there are tons of suspects...too many.

This sort of mystery film was very popular in B-movies in the 1930s and 40s. And, interestingly, several were ALSO about radio broadcasters being killed! Again, I think this was perhaps a case of wishful thinking! Additionally, the dumb cop investigating the crime is pretty typical of such films. And, there's the standard gather everyone into one room until one of them incriminates themselves scene at the end! And, sadly, the murder isn't all that hard to figure out...as I did early on after the murder. Overall, a very familiar sort of film, entertaining but very slight because of all the standard cliches.
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