15 February 2021
Disappointingly one sided view of events and not exactly neutral journalism. This has been made for a reason, to help 'free' Britney from her diamond encrusted luxury cage. Let's line up a ton of Britney's most loyal friends and get them to express their biased opinions. Done? Yup. Tick. I don't deny that she has been mistreated, targeted and abused, that's showbiz, it happens to men too. Justin Bieber has gone through the same process. So when someone who claimed to have managed all of the boy bands and this never happened to them (because the press are a bunch of misogynists) all I could think of was 'so you didn't manage Bieber? Shame, you might think differently if you had'. If you use your sexuality as a marketing tool, expect a response. Britney courted the paparazzi, used them for free publicity and loved the attention, she courted The Beast. A beast well known for never being satisfied and always wanting more. But then she wanted to switch it off when it suited her? Good luck with that. Also, the doc' covers the hair shaving, and spins it as a 'screw you' to the pap's. What it fails to mention is that hair is used for drug testing to show if there's a consistent use of drugs, it's like a daily calendar. She was fighting a custody battle where her drug use was a factor. But I think she could have been smarter in the way it was done. Why invite the entity you hate to witness you destroying the evidence? Yet this doc never mentions that aspect. Is her dad bad and a control freak blatantly robbing his daughter? Absolutely. But is Britney a totally innocent victim? I don't think so. Be careful what you wish for.
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