Engaging, intelligent, emotionally satisfying drama
16 February 2021
Ultimately this is a melodramatic soap but it is so well done and the production values are so high that it compares well to BBC-Netflix-Amazon series rather than the rubbish we see on American networks. In some ways, it's the Chinese Madmen.

I was initially intrigued because I wanted to see a portrayal of Chinese life by Chinese producers for a Chinese audience, rather than a western interpretation. It is based in Shanghai and we get to see many beautiful shots of the city. The offices are beautiful, the streets are spotless, there is no air pollution, parking is a cinch and there are no poor people to jar the aesthetics. So, ok, it's a fantasy world but it's a Chinese fantasy so in a way it's authentic. Ironically, then, the fantasy is to be American. Whatever the politically situation in China, it is clear, from this highly acclaimed (in China) TV series that culturally the USA (or more specifically Hollywood) has won! Western clothes, cars, music, fast food, toys, cosmetics, shoes, etc... are what the viewers aspire to.

So apart from the anthropological aspect, how is it as entertainment? Totally engaging! - the inaccurate and sometimes comical subtitles not withstanding. The acting, direction, cinematography, set design, dialog, and plot are all world class.

The title refers to the main protagonist's life before and after a tumultuous divorce. Her good looks eased her into a life of upper middle class bliss where shopping, eating at fine restaurants, turning up her nose at the common folk, showing off to her family were her primary occupations. There are half a dozen other main characters. As the story progressives each of these characters' multiple facets are sympathetically and honestly revealed. There are a couple of ancillary characters that are perhaps one dimensional but it seems that is deliberately done for comic effect. The main characters all have complexity and nuances and flaws just like all of us. It's easy to empathize with their lives and the situations they find themselves in.

The complexity and heartbreak of divorce between loving parents with children involved is so well portrayed it will bring tears to anyone who has empathy.
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