The Big Valley: Wagonload of Dreams (1967)
Season 2, Episode 16
Railroad rates
18 February 2021
In this episode of The Big Valley we deal with one of the burning issues of the day in post Civil War America, railroad shipping rates. Many states tried to put limits on what the railroads could charge and it was why the Interstate Commerce Commission was founded eventually by the federal government.

Because peaches are out of season railroad stationmaster Karl Swenson feels he can rook peach farmer Tige Andrews with an exorbitant charge. He also feels he can do the same to the Barkleys as these fruit are a perishable item.

Andrews really goes to town with his portrayal of this Greek immigrant farmer. He's an excitable cuss ready to fight at the drop of a hat. But he's got all three Barkley brothers on his side in his fight to beat the railroad. That evens the odds.

Andrews does some really good work in this Big Valle story.
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