Ally McBeal: Angels and Blimps (1999)
Season 2, Episode 13
A poignant tale
20 February 2021
This was a beautiful and poignant episode. It'd take any viewer with a heart on a emotional roller-coaster. That anyone could consider this even remotely anti-Christian, as the sole other reviewer did, is beyond ludicrous, just because it shows some people wrestling with their faith in the face of tragedy. Who wouldn't in their shoes? It actually has a serious pro-Christianity bias, given that there is an implicit assumption that if there is a deity at all, it's the one of the three Abrahamic faiths, and that the Christian church is the best representative of those three. And, while it's human to ask, "is there a god" in circumstances like those shown in this episode, the writers clearly lean towards the answer of yes.

There could be some fair criticism, arguably the episode was a bit maudlin and overly dramatic, I don't think so, but I could see someone thinking that. The actual trial represented, while it had its moments, was less interesting than most of the trials shown in other episodes, that wasn't a great subplot, which is why I rated it 9. Plus, it seemed like in that trial, the defense's closing arguments were first, which isn't how it normally goes (although it wouldn't strictly count as a goof, since possibly they simply didn't show the first closing argument, and when the ADA speaks, it could be the allowable rebuttal, not the actual closing argument). But only someone who was incredibly insecure about their religious beliefs, and couldn't stand to see anyone questioning their faith even under the toughest circumstances, could see even the slightest hint of anti-Christianity in this episode.
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