Better than the reviews suggest
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie back as one of the final films Robin Williams completed is absolutely tragic, and you have to wonder considering the context of the film and the failed suicide attempt later was this a cry for help in real life?

Okay so the movie plots weren't fantastic in areas, it seems to dart between scenes with very little context between them. Peter dinklage whilst solid was completely wasted in this film and mila kunis was particularly underwhelming to say the least. The main plot you need to understand with this film though is a simple one. What would you do with 90 mins left to live? Its of course a moral dilemma of sorting any loose ends before your passing, making sure those that you may have wronged in the past you right those wrongs. Its easy enough for anyone to at least attempt to conceptualise this and Robin Williams does a fantastic job of portraying this particular character.

It's not the best movie quality wise, the greenscreen on the bridge scene is laughably bad for a film so recent however I'm prepared to give it a pass just for how well Robin Williams portrays the character in this film.
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