Review of Profesor T.

Profesor T. (2018)
People with autism/asperger's
22 February 2021
People on the Autism spectrum, many of them are quite capable of many things. They especially can be capable of 'patterning' skills, they are prone to 'living well outside the constrains of social life', and often 'may' have more idiosyncrasies than the average person (whatever that may be in this day and age.) They are often excellent observers; YOU just don't notice. Anyone who assumes they understand autistic behavior, without educating themselves or being around many autistic people for extended time, cannot consider themselves knowledgeable. I have two children and had a mother who are and was autistic. I have Asperger's. Mine and my daughter's IQ are very high, my son's is quite low yet he has a job and drives because his strength is in mechanics and observation. This is a disorder of 'non-global' abilities. That means the person has areas they excel in and those they may not. There is no one scale, it varies. Each one is quite different.

The man in this show is overall very believable. It is thought that Einstein, and several other geniuses were and are on the scale. They are amazing and wonderfully weird.
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