Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Evil Plans (2010)
Season 3, Episode 8
Evil Plans
25 February 2021
Had you told me that the most boring episode of this show would be an episode featuring C-3PO and R2-D2 in central roles, you would be right. This was really a dull first and second acts of an episode that led into a slightly intriguing third act that did not have anything to do with this episode. I love these two droids, but seeing them prancing around Coruscant trying to find some fruit for a dinner Padmé is hosting? That really did challenge my patience. Cad Bane, as usual, was the best part of the episode, but his role was not nearly enough to distract from the rest of it. I get that there must be something for the kids, but this episode just came across as silly and reminded me of the humor that made me cringe in the prequel trilogy.
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