Intense and emotional. A real gem.
25 February 2021
I finished watching the movie at midnight and the first thing I did after watching the movie was to hug my sleeping 3 year old daughter. I lied beside her, trying to fall asleep, but just couldn't. 'What happened to Monday' couldn't let me go.

I think the movie succeeded on all levels. Great concept, and overall a very well written story. The execution is quite awesome as well. With the amount of stunts, action, spot on CGI and it's 2 hour runtime it looks much more than it's 20 million dollar budget.

The technical aspects are great. The action is well choreographed. It looks real. It's violent, though without being too graphical about it (as is trended recently). The pace is perfect. Not one boring moment, having a clear progression of the events.

However, the best part is the intensity of the characters. At first, I wasn't sure, Noomi Rapace is the right actress to play the siblings, but after 30 minutes I was so immersed within the movie that I really forgot about it. I started to care for each of the siblings and more than once I was at the edge of my seat as to what happens next. By the end of the watch I couldn't think of anyone else pulling off this kind of role.

There were some discrepancies that I though as rather illogical, though they couldn't hurt the emotions I was having when watching the movie. What Happened to Monday made me care, made me think and it made me feel. Add to that clear sci-fi concept and intense action sequences and you get a hell of a movie.
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