Are You the One?: Love by the Numbers (2017)
Season 6, Episode 11
26 February 2021
I don't know what it is that keeps bringing me back to watching this garbage brainless TV but I guess it's my guilty pleasure. But I would NEVER be able to be in a show like that, like ever! I'd go freaking crazy! These people are whining that they're not winning the game and people should be making connections but as soon as that happens either a guy or a girl (mostly girls) go crazy because they've already claimed that person, so how the F are people supposed to connect when half of the house is off limits but still supposed to do everything to win? It's like WTF these people are so stupid and desperate, falling in love within the first few days like teenagers and creating drama like teens do, and these are supposed to be grown ups!

Every season we see the same thing, which is on par for the game of course. They need the drama to keep the show interesting since people watch it for the drama right? I would actually once like to see a season with level headed and rational people but I guess that's not an option when it comes to Americans! They're so over the top dramatic it's hilarious!

I gotta say though, Clinton looks like such an amazing man! I don't know if it's for show or not since these "reality" TV shows are like 85% or more scripted and having them drink alcohol every night is definitely not a coincident, but seeing a man that is that handsome but also a genuine and honest guy is pretty refreshing. He did deserve someone better than that Nu whatever the hell her name is since she obviously couldn't for one second trust him.

But we watch this for the drama and fights and that is not about to change when it comes to these shows! And for some reason it works since obviously we all come back for more!

I'm not an American but I am however getting married to one and moving over there and if this is how Americans are then I'm pretty freaking nervous to be going into that 'cause where I'm from, which is Iceland, we do not act that over the freaking top!
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