Review of Ten Years

Ten Years (2015)
Fiction became a documentary
28 February 2021
This film truly is something out of ordinary. The authorities tried to prevent its release, but it became a box office hit, defying all the odds. Upon release, it seemed to be an overly exaggerated prediction of days to come, and yet now it feels more like a documentary than anything else.

As it turned out, it didn't take 10 years for the future predicted in this anthology to come. What is more, the filmmakers' grim vision turned out to be an understatement! And viewing it post-factum, knowing of all the events that have happened since 2015, only makes each of these short films hit ever closer to home. I wouldn't say that the cinematography here is perfect and one would need to be introduced to the recent history of Hong Kong prior to viewing to fully understand the statements the film is trying to make, but I'd say it's worthy of your time.

We may only hope that the future of Hong Kong will be a bright one, yet can definitely say that it will never be as it was before.
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