Well done, lads.
28 February 2021
'A Matter Of Loaf And Death (2008)' sees 'Wallace and Gromit' slip back into short-form without a single lost step, comfortably fitting in with their prior outings as an enjoyable claymation adventure. This time, the stakes are arguably the highest they've ever been; there's a killer on the loose (a real killer, I'll add) targeting bakers, which is exactly the profession our lovable leads have most recently thrown themselves into. Of course, that doesn't prevent the piece from being a side-splitting slice of fun from start to finish. Its humour is built upon the same sort of sight-gags and bad puns that the series has always excelled at delivering, making it a consistent and constantly chuckle-worthy blast from the past throughout. The only downside to this one is that its pacing feels somewhat rushed in places, as if the story is being crammed into slightly too tight a frame. Still, this isn't a major issue. The film is as fantastic as you'd expect it to be. 8/10
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