Quite enjoyable 1970s romp.
28 February 2021
I had low expectations for this movie. On account of the censorship in the UK in the 1970s there were fairly strict limits on what could be shown in general cinemas on an X certificate, in comparison with films for adults in parts of Europe (e.g. movies by Jess Franco), or the US ('grindhouse'). Given the limitations, this film I found quite amusing, though lightweight. I found it rather similar to the near-contemporaneous 'Girl from Starship Venus', starring Monika Ringwald. Anyone who enjoys re-watching footage of 'The Benny Hill Show' from this period should find this movie of interest, and it does capture a frivolity that is lacking from modern cinema. For anyone younger, though, and not around at the time (mid 1970s), there is probably little of interest.
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