Plebs: The Candidate (2014)
Season 2, Episode 6
The Hair apparent
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The shows guest star is the esteemed actor Simon Callow, as the politician Victor of the Gracchi.

Rome celebrates its elections with a local holiday, Marcus and Stylax are employed as paid sycophants for a candidate Victor of the Gracchi.

Marcus political advice to Victor, may help secure much needed support amongst the Plebs. But exactly how will it play with those who, he actually needs to help fund his political ambitions?

While Grumio is enticed by the promises of a rival electoral candidate Julius Priscus, by an offer that he simply can not resist. The only trouble being for the candidate, is that as a slave Grumio has no actual vote. But are there actually unexpected ways, that Grumio may be of help after all?
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