Disturbia (2007)
Rear Window and The 'Burbs meet Scooby Doo
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
David Morse is well-cast as a suburban serial-killer... and he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky kids! This movie is a fairly basic thriller based on a 'Rear Window' concept that would probably be best enjoyed by teens who can relate to the central character's predicament of not being believed by the adults around him. It even features a big ol' slice of teenage wish fulfillment when the hot new girl next door that he's been gawping at turns up on his doorstep and seduces him.

This film is fine. It's a big screen mystery full of silly holes and clichés, but entertaining enough. As I said, David Morse is good as the clean-cut neighbour who just seems 'off' and Shia LaBoeuf is a likeable and engaging lead. If you want a simple little thriller to keep you occupied for 90 minutes then you could do a lot worse.
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