Abhimaan (1973)
Hrishikesh Mukherjee's melodramatic and positive version of 'Star Is Born'.
4 March 2021
Abhimaan (1973) : Brief Review -

Hrishikesh Mukherjee's melodramatic and positive version of 'Star Is Born'. The original version in 1937, Star Is Born has been remade multiple times til the latest version in 2018 and before that bollywood version Aashiqui 2 (2013) but these all have been just copy paste and nothing else, except for Hrishi da's Abhimaan. Hrishikesh Mukherjee didn't do remake but instead he made sort of adaption with different consequences and additional melodrama. No matter how popular Star Is Born has been for years, even i loved too but I always had one big complaint about the film and that's none other than the drunkard Protagonist. I never understood why did drink so much for no valid reasons, it was his mistake from the start. Anyways, Hrishi Da made me forget that complaint as the protagonist here does bad things for reason and the reason none other than one of the most prominent emotion of human nature, the Arrogance! A successful singer marries a girl who becomes even more successful than him which causes him lose his arrogance and ultimately his love for the music. The fight follows terrible consequences and shatters their married life untill he realises his mistake but isn't it too late? Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bhaduri creates an amazing chemisty with thier Romance and Melodious musicals. SD Burman's Music is certainly the best thing about Abhimaan and the songs still have the same magic even after 5 decades. Mukherjee's direction is fantastic while changing the momentum but somewhere towards he loses that grip. Abhimaan is very different than Star Is Born in the later part and that's where i felt it had a chance to surpass the original but may be I was expecting too much. The film uses the typical postive formula of reconciliation to end it on happy note which could have been more intelligent if wanted. Overall, very good but not Top Class work upto other Hrishi da's Classics.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest
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