Review of I Do

Glee: I Do (2013)
Season 4, Episode 14
Shear writing genius!!!
4 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OMG - I could not disagree with edyngrn more.

This episode (and more specifically the wedding scene) was shear writing genius. I laughed so hard and so long at the spectacle of Sue so masterfully highjacking Will and Emma's special moment that I though I was going to keel over and die. My mouth and face hurt and the tears that came out of my eyes and down my face from the stress of trying to contain myself and catch my breath was almost too much to bare!

This was the ultimate anti-hero scene steal IN HISTORY! The subtlety of the twist and the lack of words in the build up by Sue as you reflect on what is about to unfold before your eyes and just how far she is going to take all of it to bring them down and crush them is just unforgettable and MAGIC!

In one simple and elegant fell swoop Sue manages to not only freak Emma out into an emotional OCD upheaval that Segways into a brilliantly masterful performance by Emma as she sings her MELTDOWN (bravo Jayma Mays) but then the transition into Sue making a mockery and a fool of Will and this special moment by walking down the aisle to the altar in Emma's place with the utter shock and mortification on Will's face and the rest of the crowd as Sue takes her place beside Will at the altar truly places Sue at the absolute top of the anti-hero totem pole in TV history. This episode (from just this one scene alone) should have won an Emmy HANDS DOWN!

The writing, the cast and the incredible performances of this series will NEVER be duplicated ever again in the history of TV. The interpose of the awkward high school teen transition years and the struggles of adults caught between the madness and their own lives allows each of the characters an incredible platform in which to expose and express and develop each character in a way that keeps the audience of both target ages both entertained and wanting more as the characters struggle to grow and overcome their fears and weaknesses while at the same time showcases their strengths and the dedication and resolve it truly takes to pursue and make chasing one's dreams and passions the complex representation it is that brings MAGIC and the perfect blend of writing, acting and performance arts to its crescendo time and time again.

But this episode and its placement within the entirety of the whole series as we Season after Season see the "fight" between the "Jocks" and the "Geeks" play out in an endless parade and spectacle of power struggles and selfish interests battling out wars both external & internal and both between the groups and their individuals struggle for identity and worth in the world and their lives makes this series what it is!
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