Among Us (II) (2019)
Information travels at velocities greater than light.
6 March 2021
Typical UFO/Space Alien documentary that is low on peer reviewed scientific evidence, but very high on anecdotes from alleged contactees. The film uses the Drake equation to support the thesis of a high probability for intelligent life in the galaxy (sound familiar?), and claims to overcome the Fermi paradox by asserting that they are here and speak telepathically, but only to certain sensitive people. To support this assertion, we are treated to sound bytes from a few sensitives, and presented with high quality illustrations of the menagerie of interstellar beings described. (Fans of this genre will recognize the familiar Grays, Lizards, Whites, and the long spindly armed creatures made famous by Steven Spielberg.) The sensitive's testimony is peppered with pseudoscience from elderly white men who play the scientists, nod their affirmations appropriately, and provide the techno-babble. One explains how black hole to black hole transmission of information across parallel universes demonstrate why communication with advanced beings can occur instantly across many light years in our galaxy. These terms suggest some kind of Hawking radiation phenomena (where time can be reversed) that are so scientifically esoteric that we mere mortals could never follow, so it must be true. Later in the film, the narrator, who is also a sensitive, is seated in a scientific laboratory setting. While she stares at a beaker of dark liquid -- we're told that it contains DNA -- she is asking her space alien friend, telepathically, to change the structure of the substance in the glass, like water into wine. At this point I left the room, missing out on the grand finale. They convinced me -- if superior space aliens who wish to commune with primitive humans did not exist, then man would invent them.
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