WandaVision: The Series Finale (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
"I am Vision"
6 March 2021
This "White Vision" vs "Colour Vision" thing comes from the 1994-1995 Vision mini series from Marvel comics. But other than a fight, that is just about where any similarity ends.

The things that are different are the origins of this "White Vision", and also the nature of their fight. Here, "White Vision" was created by Hayward, and he had a pretty nefarious reason for doing it.

The thing that is common here, it is all about identity. Who is the real Vision? Which is why they bring in the "ship of Theseus" allusion. It has to do with memory. Which one of these "Visions" is the real one? You have to remember that one of them is not created out of original material. But the other one, is. However, neither of them have access to the memories that identify who Vision really is. That is where the real struggle is and that is also where WandaVision is a little bit superior to the original Scarlet Witch and Vision miniseries. This show takes elements from those books and puts it all together here, under one roof.

In that aspect of "Memory" is the resolution of this Vision v Vision fight different than in the comic book miniseries, but only how the resolution was brought about. The end result was the same.

The comic book version of the Vision is different than the Marvel cinematic universe Vision, in the comic books it wasn't only Ultron's identity and Jarvis' programming (and the Mindstone) that went into the mixture that created the Vision, they also had access to "Simon Williams" memories, who was also known as "Wonder Man". And Ultron's fate in The comic books was not merely destruction as it was in "age of Ultron," eventually he becomes an ally of sorts to the Vision...

Just like this series sets up Agatha Harkness as an eventual ally to "The Scarlet Witch". Which I suspected would happen but you don't really need to know how it actually happens. And, it hasn't happened yet.

This show wraps up a lot of the conflict but it also starts up new questions, that will possibly be answered in the other new shows that are going to be shown this year. I was kind of disappointed that Darcy's involvement was truncated.

This was a great start. I understand now, it would be difficult to continue this show in the same way because basically, "WandaVision" has run through its course, the series within the series has ended.

It took me weeks to rummage through my comic books and locate my Scarlet Witch and Vision comics.

Now, when it comes to the inevitable confrontation between Agatha and Wanda, in the comic books it is not Agatha that Wanda fights with, it is a nexus being named Lore. And all I can say about that is that, that particular fight pretty much follows the comic book but as far as what actually happens, well you are just going to have to watch this mind blowing season finale. But they definitely absconded with a lot of the imagery from the actual comic books, and used it here.
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