King Rat (1965)
Yanks Rewriting History
6 March 2021
I have not read the book but I cannot believe an Australian-born author would ignore the Australians who did and did not survive Changi. I have played golf with some of them and not one had a kind word for the Yanks. During WWII in Melbourne and Brisbane the Marines killed more Afro-Americans than Japanese. Every Friday night there were killings. Americans know little of their own history and believe almost anything Hollywood portrays; especially snide BS about the British. The film does show, in parts, the truth about american servicemen; they are unbelievably naive. British Commonwealth troops have a saying for tellers of tall tails: "Go and tell it to the Marines". US Marines will believe anything which is why so many of them claim to be Christian. Soldiers from almost any country train their soldiers to higher standard than they do the Marines. I was once accosted by three Marines in a Hong Kong bar. Their Sgt Major had to intervene because, despite me being almost 70 at the time, they were getting a pasting. They tried to sell me their religious BS and I explained the bible was a load of nonsense. I was able to quote several passages and they could not recite one. Their interlectual failures led to violence. Pretty much the same in Vietnam and the Gulf. The biggest challenges to survival being trigger-happy Marines and the USAF.
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