I Care a Lot (2020)
Standard Fare
6 March 2021
This movie is about bad people with no redeeming qualities. It never claims to be a reflection of reality so any commentary on the lack of realism regarding guardianship processes are misplaced. I disagree with reviewers who said that the acting is bad - Rosamund Pike is a good actress and the others were solid enough, but Dianne Wiest is the one who really stood out to me. She did a fantastic job. I had never seen her acting before and I look forward to watching other things she has been or will be in. The plot is average - it's fun watching bad people trying to outgame each other, but it's been done before many times. I'm surprised that so many rated it a 1 star, it's like they haven't seen any truly terrible movies and need to check out MST3K fare.
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