Excellent 1st season... but pretty much drops off from there.
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show's first season. It was probably the funniest animes I have ever watched although beyond the midway point of season 2, it kind of falls into mediocrity. If you want to have the most enjoyable experience, you should probably watch it until mid-season 2. Beyond that, you won't be missing much.

The show had a brilliant and funny premise of a kid called Saiki Kusuo who has powers that possibly rival character's like Goku but rather than being arrogant like your average hero, he is very down to earth and hates attention. You also have other characters such as Teruhashi and Nendo who were also very enjoyayble and funny... however, here comes the first flaw of the show.

By season 3, it has too much characters! Many appearances that by the end of season 2 ended up feeling forced, unnatural or out of the blue as if the writers just remembered about some of the character's existence. Another flaw to do with characters was flanderization (when a character trait is so exaggerated, it becomes the character.) Characters like Nendo got dumber and dumber and Teruhashi became more vulgar and mean and even Saiki himself lacked any character development and ended up making him feel more unpleasent as time when on.

It follows a 4 mini episode structure every episode which makes it easy to watch but that makes each segment feel very fast paced which is good if done right. Some stories are better than others but it was good for a while. The only thing is that it meant that they had to make so many mini episodes that they inevitably started running out of steam.

One other major flaw is repetitiveness. I noticed quite a lot of gags being repeated. Many plots like a girl liking Saiki (which are quite a few) have been reoccurring mostly with the same plot points and most end up getting forgotten other than Teruhashi and Aiura (introduced in Season 2). Post season 3, you kind of end up feeling like you are watching much of the same thing over and over again.

Here is my rating for each season:

Season 1: 9.5/10 Season 2: 6/10 Season 3: 5/10

To sum this LONG review up. Do I think Saiki K is a good show? Absolutely! Does this show have flaws? Yes. Many critical flaws which badly affected the show in the long run. Do I think Saiki K should have been a one season thing? Yes although there are a few highlights in other 2 seasons and Saiki K Reawakened (that in it's self is another subject). If you like fast paced comedies or want to watch some comedy animes in general, I think this show has you (mostly) covered!
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