Not the best but fun enough
9 March 2021
Hitman the Cobra is a Godfrey Ho/IFD film about resistance fighters battling against some Japanese soldiers that are occupying an unnamed south east Asian area.

The Ho shot footage most consists of Richard Harrison having goofy gun duels with other men who are, allegedly "Japanese agents." Here Ho tries to capture the magic of western stand-offs with the type of direction and acting that is typical for this type of movie. Expressions are exaggerated, vital visual clues are zoomed in on, and characters defy the laws of physics.

The non Ho shot footage seems to be about a group of resistance fighters battling against the Japanese. As far as purchased IFD footage goes this is actually pretty entertaining stuff and benefits from a number of decently made action pieces as well as some risible dialog.

The Ho shot footage is used pretty sparingly and is unforunately not as zany as much of IFD's other output. Don't expect for these scenes to reach the heights of IFD trash classic American Force 2: The Untouchable Glory. While the Ho shot footage benefits from a few appearances featuring Mike Abbott, given a hilarious dubbing that doesn't match his actual voice at all, it doesn't really reach truly psychotronic levels.

Overall this definitely isn't a bad entry for Ho/IFD fans to watch but its by no means a noteworthy addition to this little micro-genre.
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