Soldier's Girl (2003 TV Movie)
Still reeling from the shock of this film!
12 March 2021
I had the weirdest experience watching this film. I stumbled on it quite by accident, had never heard of Lee Pace or even Troy Graity (I'm embarrassed to say being the movie buff I am). And the only reason I watched it was because I had see The Keeping Hours on Netflix with Lee Pace, fell in love with him, and googled all of his movies to watch them all. Soldier's Girl came up first. As I started to watch the film I was looking for the actor (Lee Pace) I thought he might be one of the soldiers along with Graity's role, Barry Mitchell. But I couldn't find him. It wasn't until about 1/3 into the film that I figured out that Calpernia was Lee Pace. I'm not kidding!!! My jaw dropped. The actor I had watched in the film The Keeping Hours the evening before was nothing like this actor. OMG!!!! I was in shock. Of course by now, I am totally engrossed in this film, Soldier's Girl, and can't take my eyes off Calpernia. (Lee Pace? That's Lee Pace . . . you're f >>>ing kidding me??) I was totally engrossed in this film. Time stood still. And the ending? There are NO words. I knew nothing about this case. I didn't know about this true story. And yet, here I had stumbled into this weird paradigm, down the rabbit hole I went. It is not too much to say that the whole experience has totally changed me. It's almost as if the reality that I had perceived on Tuesday was completely different on Wednesday. I'm not being dramatic. I'm telling you the truth. Thank God for the art form of movies. They are so real and touch us in such deep ways. And thanks to the incredible acting of Jane Fonda's Son, Troy Garity and Lee Pace. I am forever changed!!!
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