Genesis (III) (2016)
It will make the audience leave in an exodus
12 March 2021
I can praise the cleanness of the cameras, the good selection of settings and the general dialog, but otherwise the film falls apart.

While I get the film wanted to distinguish itself from other biblical adaptations, the execution was disastrous. The point the movie wants to get across was not clear at all, while the various plot points of the book of Genesis were shown in a messy way that they fail to convey any consistent message through them. The staging is also poor, as it shows Noah floating on water as opposed to being in the Ark, which makes everything look confusing, or Joseph doesn't change at all when he meets his brothers again.

The fashion/costuming is not good in this movie, since it includes buttoned shirts when they appeared after Christ and pants don't look very sensical for that age, even if pants did exist in Ancient Ages. There are some characters with looks that fit 21th century more, like Adam having a perfectly trimmed beard or young Jacob having a modern classic haircut and a perfect shave.

The acting was not the worst thing ever, but I had some problems with Venus not having too much credibility as the mother of Moses due to the lack of chemistry with the baby, while Avery Merrifield looks weird in a bad way when portraying Adam, although his acting improves when Eve enters the scene and his sadness for Abel's death is decently impacting. The dialog was generally alright, but the emotions weren't conveyed too well in the delivery.

It tried to be artistic and have an identity, but the message gets lost and the film looks pointless in the end. You can see potential, but this adaptation was not very effective.
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