The One (I) (2021)
The good the bad, the one
14 March 2021
Good sci-fi uses futuristic technology to challenge social norms by giving us choices we never had before. This is good. The bad. As others pointed out, in order to make the choice as difficult as possible, they stretch the premise to the point of ... oh come on, no. Biological markers to match two people that find each other extraordinarily attractive? yes. But to say they are the only person in the entire world you can feel this type of connection with? no. The one. They could have fixed this by saying, '99.9% of people are in the 4 - 10 range in attractiveness to you but there are a small number of 100's, people that just exceed what you can see in a picture.

If you can get over the premise there are some interesting story lines. I found the protagonist intriguing enough, she's strong, unapologetically determined, and her fall into criminality is believable and gradual. There is a side story of a wife who finds her husband's 'one' in order to make certain he never finds her. Maybe I'm a bad guy but I found the self-fulfilling prophecy amusing.
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