Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Enemy (1989)
Season 3, Episode 7
Cuban Missile crisis in space.
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the process of watching the Romulan and Geordi work together juxtaposed with Worf's dilemma of donating his blood to save a Romulan's life.

I'm giving Worf a pass on this one. If the Romulan's killed my parents I would not donate to save a jerk of a Romulan's life either, I may consider it if he wasn't such a jerk ---- Maybe that would heightened this episode? If the Romulan was a loveable teddy bear? Anyhow, I feel you Worf, I reach.

I enjoyed the scene between Worf and Captain Picard ---- Picard's duty is to do everything he can to save the Romulan's life to avoid a potential conflict and he 'beg's' Worf on a personal level to do help the Romulan knowing that Worf would save this Romulan if ordered. When Worf refuses the request Picard dismisses him ---- He understands Worf's decision and doesn't use his authority to make Worf go against his conscious.

This set up seems to be designed to be TNG Cuban missile crisis. I found it interesting that Picard did not investigating the destruction of the ship/reason for violating federation space? I suppose it's Picard looking at the 'big picture' versus this Romulan special operations mission.

Good tension, good performances, nice message about possibilities for Romulan/Starfleet future.
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