Review of Last Dance

Last Dance (1996)
Dead sexy
15 March 2021
Of course this isn't about anything that is remotely sexy. No what I am implying here is the fact that Sharon Stone tried to dip her feet into something not familiar or something people did not see in her: being a sex symbol of the 90s surely had its perks, but also the stigma of not being taken too seriously either. So this was one of the movies she did to show off her talents - in acting and not in figure/beauty.

I never got around watching this before, I had seen the other Death Row movie "Dead Man Walking" with Sean Penn. It's been a while and I need to rewatch that, but I do remember really liking that. Which may have been a reason why this did not get that much attention. There's only so much drama a viewing audience can take. Still this is decent enough and has a powerhouse performance by Stone, even if it may lack in other departments ...
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