Very surprised, this film is a diamond in the rough.
17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this film with no prior knowledge expecting it to be another forgettable found footage flick. I was pleasantly surprised to watch a creepy, tension filled horror film with an original story.

The setup is that a group composed of pathfinders, a psychologist, explorers and researchers set out to find the truth of what happened to the townsfolk of Friarsberg, New Hampshire when one day they inexplicably ventured into the forest leaving behind their belongings and ending up mysteriously dying or going insane. The tension is built up psychologically and the atmosphere is unsettling whether it's the unexplainable music, disorienting sounds it made me on edge.

Seeing the group travel this path slowly becoming more uneasy and distressed as well as other just losing it. The film is a perturbing decent slowly into madness and insanity.

It's a disturbing film that blends 1970's style slow burn horror with modern elements of the genre. The films imagery and idea stuck in my head were so unsettling, that I thought about this film for quite a few days after seeing it. The ending is a little underwhelming but, still this movie remains one of my favorite modern horror films. I recommend it because of it's unique story, convincing acting, and great writing.
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