Frasier: Something About Dr. Mary (2000)
Season 7, Episode 16
This one will offend the cancel culturists
18 March 2021
(Reviewed in March 2021) Like this review and future reviews that will follow, this episode will probably be shelved from syndication and removed from future DVD releases for being racially and culturally insensitive to the modern viewer. When Frasier gives his black girl impression of Dr. Mary, many will consider this behavior to be borderline racially stereotyped by the white writers and white actors (Kelsey Grammar). Without me being insensitive to the race card, Frasier's black girl impersonation in this episode is no different than his over the top impersonations of Italians, Greeks, Jews, all other ethnicities, and furthermore the people of various sexual preferences/identities. Frasier will always exaggerate his imitations of other people who overshadow Frasier's image of himself, and that's what makes Frasier fussy and funny.
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