A Freak Journey into a Freak Political System
18 March 2021
Honestly the contention among contemporary politics, even past and "nuclear" style politics, exemplifies the bizarre and spectacular circumstances of todays issues with the issues faced during Hunters journey in his 1972 campaign. I can honestly say, with much positive review, that this documentary encapsulates that very feeling of absurdity; where young activism, especially from the liberal point of view, is looked down upon as being a fervent display of opposition to the system that allows them to do so; where the system favors and sustains a image of populism, similar to the like you would see in the "Spectacle of Society". It's a poignant documentary, not because it isn't brilliantly orchestrated or directed, but because the issues discuss never change, contrary to what HST advocated for, they shape in different ways. The bipartisan divide today is as split as it was during the 60's. It's not a suprise either, and I think Hunter knew that. He knew that through running for Aspen that it might, ever so slightly, inspire a change. And so your left with a feeling of "This is my damned Country, I love it" and it compliments the laughs that you get from lines such as "my long-haired opponent" because its as absurd as the issues on display.

The Political opposition portrayed, even general disagreement, is quite sensational, especially when emphasized by Hunters ideas. It's a peculiar sensation, this double consciousness, the sense that the sentiments of the moral and ethical nature of politics can be so diluted when the votes matter. There's always a two-ness amongst the political system, not Dem v Republican, but intrest over communal action. The civil rights is an example where the interest of political image of sustaining conservative value overshadowed the communal action of minority equality. Where Nixon is the antagonist? And MLK and Malcolm X, with his The Ballot or The Bullet, are the protagonists? It's no suprise that this antithesis of progression and regression are the staples holding America's declaration of freedom. This documentary provided an excellent commentary that rivals today's politics.
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