Required viewing for every leftist in the West.
20 March 2021
It's common place today to hear calls for "equality" and "social justice" without terms or goals ever being defined. This is not like the 1960s with objectives such as being able to enter a shop through the same door as someone else. They are empty slogans used as wrapping paper to push political ideologies and to crush individual thought and put any opposition in to the "oppressor" or "enemy" category so they can be denounced. Watching this film you can see clear parallels between the trains of thought, the Khmer Rouge being where it inevitably ends up if there are no good people left to fight.

This film depicts the closest man has come to true communism. The fool's search for everything being equal, removal of all classes (private income and self determination), abolition of private property. Even before the atrocities start it's already a bleak picture when compared to the West, everything just stagnates. The violence and "re-education" varies from government to government but economically they generally follow the same pattern as a result of an obsessive control behavior from the state or as they call it "the people."

What's sad is that Angelina Jolie the director is still an anti-west liberal who would probably agree with a lot of what the Khmer Rouge wanted to achieve but because the violence was so horrific you have to overtly be against it. But I give props to her for showing what kind of puritan hellhole left wing ideology can lead to without political opposition.
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