Red Pill (2021)
Best Directorial debut In years
20 March 2021
Tonya Pinkins takes horror to a new level! This breakout film was written, directed. and produced by the supremely gifted Pinkins, who stars alongside a talented cast who will have you clutching your seat (when you're not jumping out of it!). The pacing, flow and unrelenting creepiness (terror) keeps you engaged from the very first moment the six friends arrive at their rental house in a small Virginia town.

With Red Pill, Pinkins carves out her own niche in the horror genre. This a multi-layered, multi-dimensional thriller that hits all the right horror beats while artfully presenting a political, philosophical and even spiritual meditation on the current racial divide in this country.

Pinkins makes the viewer see (and feel) what could happen if today's political climate continues to spiral out of control. Is it possible for the world to become this truly terrifying place, one where white supremacy has totally destroyed people from the inside? What happens when whiteness is weaponized? It is a dark vision of what might be. It'll wake you up.

This is not to say this is an overly political film with a didactic message. Not at all. Pinkins takes us on a wholly entertaining, scary-as-hell, emotional ride that leaves you wanting to watch it again, to peel away the layers, and to wonder what will become of Cassandra at the hands of Red Pill.

A powerful directorial debut - bold and brave. Go see it. Be prepared to scream!!
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