Lost Horizon (1973)
Forget about the lyrics...don't judge it by the reviews...isolate the wonderful message within.
21 March 2021
I won't dwell on the criticisms of the film levelled at it by the critics...the poor lyrics, the disconnection between the songs and the film...blah. blah, blah. If you can push past those things the message of hope within the film is truly wonderful and the visuals (especially the mountain scenes and the airplane footage) were very well done...you can see no effort or money was spared to make it believable. In fact the flying sequences were reused as stock footage in the second Indiana Jones move they were so good. My personal feeling is that had Bacharach actually just scored the film without lyrics and if it had been played as a real mystery/drama it would have come off as a true classic. Bacharach's music is truly epic and moving and I wish he had composed more music for films.
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