Cracking low budget indie movie
21 March 2021
I can see that some people have come into this movie thinking it's some big budget affair rather than the no budget indie shot on an iPhone it is!

I guess because Ian McKellen is involved? But reading interviews by the filmmakers you find out that Sir Ian is a friend and they all made this during the Covid lockdown with no crew.

So if you're expecting some Chris Nolan mind-bender you're going to be disappointed. But know that this was shot with just two crew during the pandemic and you will be richly rewarded!

I'd like to know what the people giving this 1 star did during the pandemic!

I certainly couldn't have made a movie of this calibre like they did. So ignore the haters who just love hating on everything and let your mind be expanded by this trippy, really cleverly put together movie shot with no equipment or crew.
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