Watchable For Its Short Length
23 March 2021
Spencer Teakle is a young man who has just qualified as a lock smith. but he's got a girl and ambitions, so he decides to get into a related line of business, and assists an older man with a burglary. When his partner is run down, Teakle finds himself on the run from the police, asking sketchy acquaintances for help. They're willing, for half the take. His problem is they don't see any reason to split with him.

Like many of Charles Saunders' later films, this quota quickie has a nice story, some decent actors, and a budget that doesn't allow much in the way of cinematic frills. With Martin Benson -- best remembered from GOLDFINGER -- as the chief bad guy, it runs through its paces quickly and efficiently enough to never pall, despite an annoying score by William Davies.
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