The Swerve (2018)
98% of the film is slow and uneventful, the remaining 2% is still meh
24 March 2021
I made an account solely to review this movie in hopes to counter the horrible injustice other reviewers have made in leading people to believe there is anything to be desired in watching this film. As someone who questionably considers reviews before selecting a movie, a 6.7 rating is difficult to come by and largely sought after. This was by far one of the worst movies I have seen. I do not discredit the emotional nature and credible acting by the lead. However, to say this is anything other than a very slow drama is misleading. I treat individuals with mental illness and enjoy most psychological dramas, this was not one of them. It is categorized as a suspenseful horror movie. There is no suspense. It is not a horror film. It is literally one of the slowest and most uneventful films I have yet to watch. If anything, save yourself the time and watch the final 20 minutes. My boyfriend had his eyes dilated today and that experience was more enjoyable and engaging than this film.
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