Space Fury (1999 Video)
Hilariously horrible
25 March 2021
So poorly developed and performed Produced on such a small budget with poorly constructed sets, props, lighting, costumes and general overall production values.

Michael Pare is one of my favourite actors and I can not even imagine why he would consider a script like this - unless he was being blackmailed or owed money to some loan sharks.

There are some horrible sci-fi movies made, but most have better overall production than this, even if the script is bad.

Since the 70's when Star Wars ruled the globe and even prior - space mives had better effects and props and set dec...a film produced around 1999 /2000 should have succeeded all of them by leaps and bounds - but this makes it seem like this movie was made in the 1950's or 60's.

It's hilariously horrible and a must see - if only to amuse yourself at how bad it really is.

It's too good to give a 1, but not good enough to give a 2 is the perfect vote.

Luckily Michael Pare went on to do better films, because if this was his highlight, it would have been pretty embarrasing.

However, if I were the producer, director, writer or special effects technition, I would seriously never bring this movie up as a reference of any sort.
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