Review of Marfa Girl

Marfa Girl (2012)
What the hell happened to Larry Clark?
26 March 2021
Back in the late 90s and early 2000's Larry Clark came out with some movie that ventured between good and great, but no matter the quality they were always at least interesting. Kids was spectacular and Bully for all it's leering overkill was at least an interesting study of youth gone horribly horribly wrong. Here we have Marfa Girl a loose assortment of sex scene as directionless as it's teen protagonist tied only very loosely together by a shoe-horned in generic evil white guy sex fiend. Even this thin subplot doesn't quite hang together, let alone support the surrounding sex scenes. No character in this movie is even remotely likable. Everyone comes off as shallow and following a set of directives unnatural to human interaction. The movie even starts on a dud. Clark has always been about using non-actors in his movies and usually it works out well, or at least well enough. At the beginning of the movie is a contrived scene with a teacher who's line readings are so bad you wonder if there's an off camera man with a gun pointed at her. What follows is an aimless 100 minutes in which even the sight of naked girls becomes tedious. With a mid movie break to hear the idiotic philosophies of the titular Marfa Girl. Can a person be that stupid? Can people pass the age of 14 really believe such utopian garbage? Nobody with half a brain should take this moron seriously. Then there is the aforementioned generic evil white man with a secret. Why is it that movies never seem to find that cliche or sterotype tiresome. I think I have an answer. Larry Clark really just needs to admit to himself that he would like to direct pornographic movies starring the youngest actors and actresses the law will allow and never waste our time pretending he's a director with anything to say about anything.
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