The Black Cat (1981)
The killer kitty with mind control ..........
28 March 2021
It is a well known fact that cat owners can be completely controlled by their feline pets. Anyone who keeps a cat in their house, is really living in the cat's house. "The Black Cat" takes the controlling kitty one step further, with the seemingly innocent pussy exerting it's will over it's human, in this case, Patrick Magee. When mysterious deaths, with no apparent motive, begin piling up in a small English village, the Police are mystified. By the strange gruesome goings on. The film is far from perfect, but excellent on location photography, creates the proper atmosphere, for the weird, and difficult to follow story. There are also several loose ends that dangle uncomfortably. Magee's ability to record conversations with the dead goes nowhere, as well as his attempts to hypnotize. This muddled affair is uneven, but ultimately still watchable enough to hold interest. MERK.
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